Sunday, February 05, 2006

Weekend Whirlwind

Its amazing how a visit to the place that feels the most like my adulthood home, seemed to be a swirling whirlwind. It simply was not possible to visit everyone I wanted to see--there were not enough usable hours in the weekend. To everyone I didnt get a chance to see, I am very sorry, please know it was not for lack of desire to be in your company.

That said, I did enjoy myself tremendously. I stayed at Kelly and Sarah's--and after everytime I visit them, I leave with my soul refreshed, and not surprisingly, this time was no different. The boys clamoured all over me in greeting and play, Charis cooed and smiled and was delightful, Sarah was hilarious and also encouraging, Kelly dazzled us all with his wit, and the three of us engaged in a series of thought provoking discussions around issues we have all been considering. They also hosted having some of my favorite Kadesh-ites over for visiting, and we all roared with laughter on Saturday evening, rejoicing in fellowship, and sharing each other's stories that we had been sorely out of date on.

The OSCE (a practical clinical exam, although I use the word practical loosely), on Saturday was an event. I learned somethings, but that was really superfluous. It was wonderful to see the faces of my classmates that we have left behind in Saskatoon. Seeing them is more familiar, more comfortable than almost anything else in the world. I know their faces almost better than I know my own, as they are who I have seen every single day as I looked outward on the world for the past two and a half years. It is a comraderie that runs deep within our class, and I hope that even if this fades with time that it never dies.

I received another injection of wisdom paired with encouragement from the Terry and Sheila this weekend, who graciously found time to spend with this tired, weary medical student. I said to them, "I dont know why, but I am just so tired lately," to which Terry replied, "You know why, and get used to it, this is what the next ten years of your life are going to be like! It will get better when you have children". He was serious and teasing me, all at the same time, as per usual, and as always, they gave me sage advice on several issues that I am wrestling with.

The other great part of the weekend was the potluck hosted by the lovely Camille. What a girl. Addicted to fun she is. Camille also spent Wednesday and Thursday night with me in Regina, and wow did we have adventures. A little incident with my outside door on Wednesday night, that precipitated Camille having to stay in the call rooms at the hospital with me that night as I was on call, along with returning to my house the next day to find my door knob removed. Yah, just a day in the life of mine, but Camille got the joy of experiencing my stranger that fiction life first hand. We also went to a girls only perogie making night at the Young Adults pastors house here in Regina while she was here. Grand fun. Let me also give an official thank-you to Camille who filled my fridge and freezer with homemade food that she whipped up while I was at work on Friday. What a woman of Grace who knows how to bless people. And so of course, the potluck at her place in Saskatoon on Sunday was fantastic. Sadly I had to leave earlier than I would have liked, but again this is life.


medstudent said...

Thanks Dax!

tmosh said...

hey doc
sorry we didn't get to connect while you were here- i am so horrible at replying to phone calls & emails lately
I am still planning on a trip to R-Town sometime - Feb looks out of the question for me so we will have to see what March leaves us :)
Thanks for being such an awsome blogger : )
love ya tons * HUGE blessings on you!