Saturday, April 14, 2007

Life Update

Here is the scoop: we have moved out of Regina (yay!) and back to Saskatoon. This past week Eddie and I have been organizing the condo we are renting. He doesnt actually live here yet, he is staying at his parent's place until after the wedding. It has been a lot of fun so far--its hard to believe that this is going to be "our" place. It has taken a while longer than I expected since we are sorting through our combined stuff and deciding what to keep and what to donate to siblings.

So that is what I have been up to. Next week I have to start studying for the dreaded exam. I will post some pictures of our new place once its all finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great that you are in a city you love. Soon that new home will feel like you've been there forever.