Monday, April 24, 2006

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

Last week was somewhat overwhelming for me in many respects. However, as always, in the place of feeling pressed on all sides, God revealed Himself yet again, and the Holy Spirit shed some light on a few things for me:

1) I am not nearing the end of the woods in terms of knowledge of medicine. This past week I think I only started to realize how deep the forest really is, and how far I have yet to go. But its just like every other time that I have encountered a new learning curve--it is intimidating at first, and seems insurmountable, but as I set back, and decide to go one day at a time, I eventually learn to function at that next level; although it takes a lot of steep uphill climbing to get there. The last time I can recall this sort of scenario was the year I started medical school. I really shouldnt be surprised that it would get harder again! But He will see me through. It is a humbling thing to be reminded that on my OWN, I CANT do it. Through HIM I can. This is a seemingly subtle, but oh so key distinction.

2) Christ is my Savior--not any of the things He blesses me with. Those are His to give and take away. I am not saved or 'held together' by the ways He blesses me. Those are Graces He has afforded me. Its the old addage "God is more concerned with your character than with your comfort". I have been frequently uncomfortable these past few months. God is stretching me. It is unpleasant a lot of the time, sometimes down right painful. But there is also a lot of joy He has brought me too.

3) Do I trust Him? He has been faithful in all things, working out the details of my life with exacting precision, in ways beyond anything I could ask or imagine. He has brought me this far, He will not leave me here. He will see me through. I will reach the other side.

Funny, none of these things are truly 'new' realizations, but like all important lessons in life, they are often repeated.


Anonymous said...

It is awesome and humbling to realize that the Holy Spirit lives in us and nudges us toward the right choices we need to make. As you said, and also quoted from J.M." Remind yourself that you can do whatever you need to do because the Greater One lives in you and His grace is availableto you. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you." I need to remind myself daily to make those right choices. God bless!

LJE said...

thanks for the good reminder, Lauren. Especially the point about character, not comfort.