Monday, April 26, 2010


Moving. Change. Melancholy.

This is the time that we are supposed to be putting down roots, a foundation on which our adult lives will flourish and bloom. Instead we spend our months moving, always picking up our lives to transiently be in a new place, all in the name of distributed medical education. In the past two years I have spent 1 month in Toronto, 2 separate months in Edmonton, a month in Prince Albert, a month in Regina. And now we are in the process of packing up, up rooting as it were, to move to Edmonton.

Edmonton will be good. Its a great city. That's not the point. Its taxing on the soul to move, to extricate oneself from the social network that you are enmeshed in. We are social creatures, not meant to live in isolation. And while we are away, the void that we leave behind, will be filled in, such that when we come back in time our lives will have changed. Nothing is ever the same when you leave it for years at a time.

I am happy for the opportunity to train to do what I desire to do. My soul is melancholy at the cost.

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