Sunday, November 19, 2006

Three weeks to go...

-Photo by KAG
This is how happy I will be come Dec 8 when I am on a plane for Orlando! Three weeks left of the term, and I can't wait to be done. Pediatrics is okay, not my favorite, but okay. Just have to finish the rotation, pass the rotation exam, finish our invitations, register to write my liscencing exam, finish my residency applications, do four more call shifts, and then I can leave!

We did our marriage prepartion course this weekend. It was okay, but I expected more. I think it was difficult for the presenters because they were presenting to a variety of couples from differing spiritual backgrounds. I would have preferred if the spirituality aspect was more of a central theme, and touched upon in all the different areas. On our Focus inventory (an inventory questionaire that each of us filled out separately), we scored 92% on our "Readiness for Marriage", so that's good! Eddie also accidently checked that he is concerned about how much alcohol I drink, so drinking issues was highlighted as something we need to discuss if further depth with our Priest. We both had a good laugh about that.

On a different note, we saw the new Bond movie this weekend--seriously they missed the boat on the Bond character; it felt more like a Rambo movie, with Bond as a meat head beating everyone up, rather than a smart, cunning Bond who out wits his opponents. Sigh. I would like to visit Montenegro after seeing the movie though!


Jenny said...

Hey Lauren, love the pic! I'd have to say that I actually liked the new Bond movie! I liked that the film was more about action and less about him picking up random chicks all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like perhaps one should see the new Bond movie since we do have the historical aspect of his transition... Lots to do, but what a grand event to await..

Unknown said...

You made me laugh out loud with the drinking problem...I always suspected...tee hee

Allison said...

Hey Lauren - sorry I didn't go dress shopping with you and Arleen. I really wanted to, but the timing was just bad. And then I lost her cell phone number to let her know I couldn't come. Did she find something? I was thinking of going one day and trying on the top with a shorter skirt (if they have one that goes with the top), so if you talk to Arleen, let her know that she can call me next time she wants to go again.