Monday, February 06, 2006

Unwelcome Messanger

I had to tell a woman that she had lost her baby tonight. It was my first time having to give really bad news. There is no good way to do that--but I suppose there are a multitude of BAD ways to do that. The gravity of the moment hit me very suddenly, almost as though it had snuck up on me, as I realized I wasnt just working up her vaginal hemorrhage, and that we had to take her to the OR to save her life, but that I also had to tell her she had lost her baby. I felt like utter crap as I left that room, having broken the bad news, and that is an understatement. I know that me telling her didnt cause the situation, I was just having to inform her what the situation really was. Ugly situation. The good news out of the situation is that we did operate, and we did save her life so that she didnt bleed to death, and we did transfuse her blood so she didnt get worse.

These are the moments when the raw humanity of medicine is blatant and in my face, refusing to be ignored.


Jenny said... Lauren. I think it takes a very strong person to be doing your job.

Anonymous said...

You're right. There is no other way to put it but it is a raw deal for everyone involved. Knowing you, you handled the situation with compassion........

Anonymous said...

bearer..... i think.