Monday, March 27, 2006

Resisting Resentment

"if we believe suffering is the touch of God's grace, we will avoid resentment, arrogance, and above all pride, the primal and satanic sin. When we suffer, our natural instinct is to resent and resist. This implies a claim to perfect happiness: how dare this suffering intrude on my self-sufficiency and control?... attitude of humility and gratitude in suffering brings deep joy, while an attitude of pride and ingratitude, even without suffering, brings joylessness. Proud people are simply not happy."
~ Making Sense Out of Suffering, Peter Kreeft

I read this the other day, and that line about our natural instinct is to resent, hit me square between the eyes. I resent being in Regina. I do not like the city itself. Oh, there are worse places to be, but there are definitely better places to be. I have found an attitude of resentment creeping into my outlook on life, and have found it to really be zapping my joy. I dont really know how to be joyful about Regina--Lord teach me how. If I dont figure that out, it is going to be a long long road until next May. How do you have joy when you would rather be somewhere else? Even if I convince myself Regina is OK, I know there is better, and I will still likely be counting down the days until I leave. Really I am at a loss here, as to how to NOT be living the time in Regina as 'doing time'. I need a touch of Grace.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Sometimes what helps me is crappy situations is to Treasure Hunt...think about all of the good things that have happened, will happen, what you have been taught/will be taught-focus on them and thank God for will lift you'll see!!