Sunday, January 15, 2006

Really I think these things only happen to me...

I came home Friday night to find a ticket on my car. I looked around again, but I was correct that there are NO SIGNS about parking anywhere on the street. I open the ticket to read "this vehicle is ticketed for violating Bylaw 9900 Section 35 (c) unlawful to park on a street for more than 24 hours. IF THIS VEHICLE IS NOT MOVED OFF THE BLOCK BY 16 JAN 06 IT WILL BE SEIZED" So according to the City of Regina, I cant park on the street infront of my house. I phoned the PD, and the officer told me to move my car every two days to another block...sort of defeats the purpose of living within walking distance to the Hospital. Regardless I owe the City $15.00 if I pay the ticket within the next 14 days.

I suppose next time I move into a city I will have to request a copy of all the City Bylaws and read them thoroughly to ensure that I dont inadvertently become non-law abiding citizen.

Today I went to get extra keys cut for my appt, so I can keep a spare at a friends house etc, at a store that shall not be named. I gave him two keys, asking for two copies of each key. All of a sudden the key cutter utters a loud "S#@!" Instead of placing a blank in the machine with an original, he placed BOTH originals in the machine, and started cutting over top of my original. He muttered to me after that he thought it would be okay still for me to get into the house with, but I spent the whole drive home thinking how ridiculous I was going to sound calling my landlord to say I was locked out of my house.

To top it off--none of the keys I got cut actually work in the locks. I will have to try again another day, at another store.


Anonymous said...

Hello Lauren,
It is unfortunate that the whole bylaw enforcment caught you off guard. Therefore I have included a few bylaws I found online for your place of residence which you may find useful. Such as:

Traffic Bylaw #9900 - A police officer or other persons designated by the Chief of Police or Director of Engineering & Works may remove and destroy or dispose an obstruction, encumbrance or encroachment at the cost of the person in violation in the following instances:

where an obstruction, encumbrance or encroachment is created or left on any public highway (street, alley or other road designated for the general public for the passage of vehicles); boulevard; or sidewalk.

Light Glare
Zoning Bylaw #9250 - No land use or establishment shall produce a direct or sky-reflected, dazzling light or reflection of that light beyond lot lines. This regulation does not apply to:

signs or floodlighting of parking areas otherwise permitted by this bylaw;
solar panels or other energy conservation features on the exterior of a building.

Illegal Parking
No person shall park or drive a vehicle on public property other than a public highway, including any park, playground, public reserve or school ground, except as authorized by the City. This does not apply to City or School Board maintenance vehicles. Traffic Bylaw #9900

Thanks for the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that there is such a bylaw, however, they must have a reason.... Was great to talk with you this a.m.

tmosh said...

hey LB - blast the stupidities of living close to a hospital - is there any kind of permit you could get that would allow you to by pass the moving the car every 2 days? i know we had to get on when we lived in our apt downtwon sask - $30 but less work than having to move the car to another block all the time....

Just Me said...

miss working on your back while you chat about life!! I have they are more interested in enforcing that when, hello? someone id robbing the corner Mac store...:)