Friday, January 27, 2006

To whom do you belong...

God is good. The trial may not be ceasing, but He has sent me refreshing for my soul in the midst of my wilderness.

First off, I have survived after working 100h in labour and delivery in 7 days. Praise God.

Erin and Tim E are here this weekend, and Erin came over tonight to stay the night and we spent the whole evening dialoguing on a heart to heart level---this has been what I miss the most about Saskatoon, is the intimate relationships with my female Christian friends. The guys are great, but its different. I actually cried when they arrived, (shocking, I know). And Erin made me a card, and my CMDS Bible study group all signed is, and filled it with encouraging notes and verses. The card was beautiful. Again more tears, but good tears. A sweet reminder of being loved by the Family, arriving precisely when I needed it. God is good, and He has not forgotten me in the wilderness.

Then I opened my email tonight. A perfectly timed email from Amy, speaking the Truth in Love to me. I have included exerpts because, well frankly, Truth should be shared.

"But you belong.[Period. End of sentence. No
qualifiers.] The Holy One anointed you and you all
know it.

Stay with what you heard from the beginning, the
original message. Let it sink into your life. If what
you heard from the beginning lives deeply in you, you
will live deeply in both Son and Father. This is
exactly what Christ promised: eternal life, real life!
(1 John 2: 20-21, 24-25).

No matter what, this is the truth I'm to live in: that I belong.
To him. And I'm not to live in lies. I'm to stay in
the truth I've been in since the beginning, even when
it seems absurd from here."

I Belong. I am His. He has not forgotten me, nor will He forsake me.

I Belong to Him. I am in His Body, which is not dependent on time or space.

Praise God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You belong to God and praise to Him for sending your friends to you this weekend. Awesome....

You are loved by God, God is love. You are loved by your family in all ways... We have faith in God and His ability to be there for you. Be encouraged by our love and our believe in you.